Meet Our CEO

Janice Bryant Howroyd, fondly known as JBH, is the first African American woman to found and build a multi-billion dollar company. The ActOne Group, a $3.4 billion (USD) workforce solutions organization, operates in over 32 countries, engaging some of the world’s best technologies and systems to support businesses of all sizes and provide jobs and careers for millions of workers across the globe.

Her technologies service over 50 languages, and she leads from a culture of humanity, discipline, and excellence instilled by her parents. Growing up in a segregated educational system in the deep south, the values transparency and accountability frame her leadership style, her public and media engagements, her charity, and the culture of her organization.

Janice Bryant Howroyd

Janice Bryant Howroyd

Janice Bryant Howroyd's Bio

JBH is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including Black Enterprise’s coveted 2022 Woman of the Year award. She was the first-ever BET Honors Entrepreneur of the Year. She has been a presidential appointee to several committees, including Barack Obama’s Presidential Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, an appointment to the Federal Communications Commission’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Digital Empowerment (ACDDE), and continues to serve on the ITAC 10 (International Trade Advisory Committee - Professional Services). She is the newly elected Chair of the Women’s Leadership Board at Harvard University and supports inclusive programs for women and minorities as the first African American donor to gift $10 million to the University of Southern California, as well as millions to other institutions, including her alma mater, the nation’s largest HBCU, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.

She has guided the ActOne Group to a 2021 Ecovadis Silver Award Sustainable Corporation level and membership in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and is also the author of two #1 Amazon best-selling books: The Art of Work - How to Make Work, Work for You! and Acting Up: Winning in Business and Life Using Down-Home Wisdom, which is currently #1 on four best-selling lists and ranks in the 800 highest selling of all e-books.

JBH partners with some of the world’s best-known brands in business and academics to support education and business initiatives that advance diverse populations. She is a sought-after speaker at universities, national and international organizations, and corporations on the subjects of economic inclusion, personal and professional development, and entrepreneurship in a tech-fueled economy. She provides subject matter expertise on women’s issues, the workforce and the economy, business and entrepreneurship, and network and digital media. She also has one of the most motivational social media presences across all social platforms. JBH uses her presence as an innovator and as a connector for humanity, saying, “Never compromise who you are personally to become who you wish to be professionally!”